Thursday, July 3, 2008


Sorry about the pause...having switched to the visa section things have been more hectic than expected, yeah unbelievable interview quotas!

On the other hand, after tomorrow's July 4 celebration at the ambassador's residence, a marvelous vacation in Central America awaits.

Oh...and did you happen to see the images of McCain's recent visit to Mexico? There was a rather unflattering photo making the rounds...the ambassador looked great but the McCains didn't look their best. Was this photo chosen for some political purpose? You decide.

1 comment:

Kelsey said...

Where are you planning on visiting in Central America?

I sort of stumbled across your blog while link-surfing through foreign service blogs. I'm an expat currently living in Korea, and my S.O. is a former FS brat. I like your blog, and I was wondering if you would mind if I added you to my blogroll?

- Driftingfocus